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Spring cleanse

Writer's picture: Cheryl Penna Cheryl Penna

Updated: May 31, 2022

Traditionally, spring is the time of year that we associate with a cleansing program.  Now is the time to get out your blenders and start adding in a daily green smoothies that will promote vitality and cleansing of our liver and digestive system. 

We have a great 21 Day Spring Cleansing Program available in our clinic that can be followed for one to three weeks depending on your level of symptoms.  

I am often asked 'who should do a cleanse', and my answer is everyone except young children, the elderly, pregnant and breast feeding women. People with kidney issues and those on a lot of prescribed pharmaceutical medications should also avoid cleansing unless under the care of a medical practitioner. 

I don't encourage water or fluid only programs as this type of cleansing shuts down both Phase 1 and 2 Detoxification that is essential for clearing both endogenous and exogenous toxins from the body.  Primary foods to avoid include; processed and tinned foods, sugar, alcohol and highly acidic foods. We have a great hand out on alkaline / acid based foods that I encourage everyone to use. 

Many people are often surprised to find out that acidic foods include; diary foods, especially cheese, animal protein but especially processed meats, eggs, grains, sugar and some nuts.  The idea of balancing out our levels is to ensure we always include a good portion of alkaline foods with acid foods when planning a healthy meal. Alkalising foods include; vegetables especially spinach and most low GI fruits. Fats and oils are neutral so are not included in the food list. 

For more details on our Spring Detox Program please contact reception on 9482 5135.

Before undertaking a cleanse, consult with your health practitioner for advice to check if this is suitable for you.


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